Answer: EROS
EROS is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 404 times.
Referring Clues:
- Son of Aphrodite
- Passion personified
- Valentine's Day visitor
- God offended by Daphnis
- God of love
- February 14 figure
- Controversial 1960's magazine
- Asteroid first seen in 1898
- Libido
- Greek god of love
- Dart shooter
- Love's inspiration
- Love child?
- Piccadilly Circus statue
- "Theogony" figure
- Psyche's lover
- Boy who's bowed
- Love god
- Psyche's love
- Love child
- Asteroid discovered in 1898
- Love symbol
- Winged youth of myth
- Boy armed with bows and arrows
- Antony's faithful aide, in "Antony and Cleopatra"
- Cupid
- Lustful god
- Cupid, to the Greeks
- Life force, to Freud
- See 45-Down
- Symbol of love
- Asteroid viewed by the NEAR spacecraft, 2000
- Love inspirer
- First asteroid landed on by a NASA craft
- One of the primal gods in Greek myth
- Where the NEAR space probe landed
- One taking a bow?
- Cupid's counterpart
- Son of Chaos
- Asteroid landed on in 2001
- Lover who abandoned Psyche
- God often depicted unclothed in art
- Oscar Wilde poem "The Garden of ___"
- Libidinous god
- Libido, in psychiatry
- Desire
- Power of love
- Bow-toting god
- Libidinous deity
- Cupid's Greek counterpart
- Ardent love
- Daring 1960's Ralph Ginzburg magazine
- February figure
- Bow and arrow carrier
- "Aeneid" figure
- Archer of myth
- The libido, in psychiatry
- Arrow-shooting god
- Greek god sometimes pictured as blindfolded
- Love personified
- Greek counterpart of 27-Down
- Lover boy?
- Name hidden in seven other answers in this puzzle
- Arrow shooter
- Olympic archer
- "Aphrodite and ___" (classic art subject)
- Desire personified
- Deity with a bow and arrow
- Love
- London statue originally called the Shaftesbury Monument
- Life instinct, to Freud
- Greek love god
- One who might take a bow
- Taker of a bow?
- First asteroid orbited by a NASA spacecraft
- Olympian archer
- First asteroid landed on by a spacecraft
- "The Garden of ___" (Wilde poem)
- Troubadour's inspiration
- Carrier of a bow and arrows
- Greek Cupid
- Bow-wielding deity
- Archer who aims for the heart
- Subject for Freud
- Personification of desire
- Offspring of Chaos, to Hesiod
- Bow-wielding god
- Asteroid on which a NASA probe landed in 2001
- Counterpart of Thanatos, in Freudian psychology
- Cupid, to Greeks
- Boy with a bow
- Matchmaker of myth
- Winged god
- Word hidden in three answers of this puzzle
- Boy taking a bow
- Love-ly god
- Winged archer
- Desire deified
- Winged god of love
- Shooter of hearts
- Cupid counterpart
- Mythical matchmaker
- Aphrodite's son
- Cupid, to Cassandra
- Bow-and-arrow boy
- Archer with wings
- Aphrodite's boy
- He takes a bow
- Winged symbol of love
- Mythological arrow shooter
- God with a bow
- God with a bow and arrow
- Amorous archer
- Winged deity
- Figure of love
- Shrink's libido
- Deity of desire
- Greek counterpart of Cupid
- Valentine's Day figure
- Child of Aphrodite
- "Antony and Cleopatra" character
- Ancient love god
- Sexual desire
- Greek lover boy?
- Physical love
- Cupid, in Greece
- Mythological love child?
- February 14 deity
- Progeny of Aphrodite
- Near-Earth asteroid probed in 2001
- Symbol of Valentine's Day
- Mythological matchmaker
- God with great aim?
- Fertility god
- Erotic deity
- Love deity
- Lover of Psyche
- Libido symbol
- Fertility deity
- Mischievous bow wielder
- Amor, in ancient Athens
- God who shoots arrows
- God with arrows
- Amatory archer
- Bow-toting deity
- Quiver-carrying god
- Legendary archer
- Divine archer
- Winged child
- Cupid equivalent
- ''Aeneid'' character
- Cupid alias
- Piccadilly statue
- Youngest Greek god
- Near-Earth asteroid
- Psyche's beloved
- ''Aeneid'' figure
- Amor's Greek counterpart
- Winged figure of Greek mythology
- Aphrodite's young'un
- Love deified
- Loving god of myth
- Loving son of myth
- Aphrodite's tyke
- Loving son of myth?
- Love god of myth
- Arrow shooter of myth
- Amorous deity
- Amorous Greek god
- Greek archer
- God with a quiver
- God who takes a bow
- Winged figure of mythology
- Cupid, to Athena
- Cupid's equivalent
- Mythical Greek archer
- Lover boy
- Aphrodite's lovable lad
- Youngest Olympian
- What the Greeks called Cupid
- Winged Greek god
- Winged god who's a symbol of romance
- Winged Greek god with a bow
- Piccadilly statue, popularly
- Opposite of Thanatos, to Freud
- Shooter of gold arrows
- Greek god who figures in an annual holiday
- First near-Earth asteroid to be discovered
- Trafalgar Square statue
- Subject of a Piccadilly Circus statue
- Greek god with a bow and arrow
- Greek equivalent of Cupid
- Greek god whose name is one letter off from 118-Down
- Freud's libido
- Youngest of the Greek gods
- Young Greek god
- "The Garden of ___" (Oscar Wilde poem)
- Mythical archer
- Archer on Olympus
- Mythical arrow shooter
- Cupid, among Athenians
- Aphrodite's kid
- "Aeneid" character
- Psyche consort
- God evoked in many a sex shop
- Psyche's suitor
- NEAR Shoemaker's destination
- Oscar Wilde's "The Garden of ___"
- Valentine's Day deity
- Beau-winning bowman
- Young winged god of the Greeks
- Baby taking a bow?
- Bow wielder
- Piccadilly statue
- Sex symbol?
- Cupid's alias
- Aphro-dite's son
- Cupid's alter ego
- Cupid's aka
- Lovers' god
- Lovers' deity
- Mythological archer
- Cretan's Cupid
- God whose name is 6-Down reversed
- A son of Aphrodite
- Classical bow wielder
- Greek who played with matches?
- Bow wielder of myth
- Aphrodite's infant
- Lust, deified
- Heart-piercing figure
- Arrow-shooting Greek god
- Early wielder of a bow and arrow
- Arrow shooter of Greek myth
- Love archer
- Mythical bowman
- Oldest of the gods, in Plato's "Symposium"
- Shooter of gold-tipped arrows
- Valentine's Day god
- Arrow-shooting deity
- February deity
- Immortal archer
- Figure with arrows
- Figure taking a bow?
- God that leaves one smitten
- God often depicted as a young man
- "___ Turannos": E.A. Robinson poem about a complex marriage
- One of C.S. Lewis's four loves
- Son of 30-Down
- Bow-carrying god
- Mythological lover boy
- Valentine's Day symbol
- Desirous deity
- Greek boy with a bow
- Winged youth
- Piccadilly god
- Love, deified
- Aphrodite's child
- Bow-wielding infant
- Mythical god of love
- Piccadilly Circus figure
- Chubby lover
- Amor's counterpart
- "Now ___ shakes my soul": Sappho
- Jung's "principle of relationship"
- Libidinous archer
- Counterpart of 1-Across
- Greek deity
- Cupid, to Plato
- "The Garden of ___," Oscar Wilde poem
- Winged figure of myth
- Inspiration for a troubadour
- Young, winged Greek god
- Early romantic figure
- Young winged Greek god
- Winged archer of myth
- Second-largest near-Earth asteroid
- Statue in London's Piccadilly Circus
- Romantic deity
- Greek matchmaker
- Mythical shooter
- Destination of NASA's NEAR
- Sexual love
- Round numbers?
- First asteroid to be orbited
- Amor, to the Greeks
- Deity often depicted unclothed
- Olympian with a bow
- Magazine for which publisher Ralph Ginzburg went to jail
- Personification of passion
- Amor
- Youngest of Olympus
- February 14th figure
- Near-Earth asteroid in the Amor group
- Boy with a bow and arrow
- Cupid alternative
- Greek god
- Arrow-shooter on Olympus
- Freudian principle
- Mythical love god
- Mythical bow-toter
- Greek version of Cupid
- Mythical bow toter
- Armed god
- One taking a bow in Greek art
- Mythical matchmaker with a bow
- Matchmaker of Greek myth
- Asteroid named for a Greek god
- "The great binder and loosener," per Jung
- Freudian "will to live"
- Little archer
- Arrow-shooting figure
- Earthly love
- Cupid relative
- Life instinct, in psychology
- Smallest figure in a Parthenon frieze
- Bow-toting Greek god
- Archer of love
- Amor counterpart
- Cupid's Greek alias
- Boy who takes a bow?
- Cupid kin
- Match maker?
- Love of god
- Aphrodite's little boy
- Lustful son of Aphrodite
- Love symbol that names another love symbol if you move the first letter to the end
- Smallest of the Olympians
- Fourth god to exist, in Greek myth
- Mark Antony's bodyguard
- Greek god of love and beauty
- Cupid contemporary
- Winged Olympian
- Freud's life force, from the Greek
- Son of Ares and Aphrodite
- Plato topic
- Freudian life force
- Relative of philia and agape, to the Greeks
- 14-Across deity
- Symbol of attraction
- Lustful Greek god
- Another name for Cupid
- Mythological figure who takes a bow
- Statue in Piccadilly Circus
- Greek god with a bow
- Mischievous boy of myth
- Love interest of 58-Down
- Freudian focus
- Olympian bowman
- Busy boy on Valentine's Day
- Son of Aphrodite and Ares
- Greek god with wings
- Shooter of arrows
- God who fell in love with Psyche
- Aphrodite's love child
- Freudian concept
- Greek god with arrows
- One variety of love
- Name from Ancient Greek for "desire"
- Maker of love, not war
- God who becomes a goddess when an "r" is removed
- Mythological bow wielder
- God whose name is an apt anagram of "rose"
- Concept in Freudian psychology
- Greek's Cupid
- Aphrodite's winged son
- Greek god of desire
- One taking a bow for getting couples together?
- Greek god pictured with wings and a bow
- Psyche's mate in Greek mythology
- One who takes a bow before success rather than after?
- God who "loosens the limbs and weakens the mind," per Hesiod
- God depicted in a figure called an "amoretto"
- Consort of Psyche
- Erotic god
- God of passion
- Cupid analog
- Cherubic god
- God with good aim
- God whose name sounds almost like the ammunition he uses
- God often represented as a beautiful winged youth
- Greek god whose name is an anagram of "rose"
- His name means "desire"
- God who took a bow
- Husband of Psyche
- Olympic archer?
- Greek matchmaker?
- Versace ___ (high-end fragrance)
- God of fertility
- Minor planet named for a Greek god
- Greek equivalent of the Hindu god Kamadeva
- Greek deity associated with passion
- God with wings
- Aphrodite's frequent companion
- Greek god whose name is an anagram of a flower
- Piccadilly circus figure/sight/statue
- Carrier of a bow and arrow
- Concupiscent one
- Desire, personified
- Winged figure in Piccadilly Circus
- Psyche's lover, in Greek myth
- Associate of the gods Pothos and Himeros (Longing and Desire)
- God with magical arrows
- Cupid's Greek equivalent
Last Seen In:
- LA Times - February 25, 2025
- USA Today - February 20, 2025
- USA Today - February 18, 2025
- LA Times - December 22, 2024
- LA Times - November 22, 2024
- LA Times - October 20, 2024
- New York Times - October 13, 2024
- USA Today - September 18, 2024
- New York Times - August 30, 2024
- USA Today - August 23, 2024
- LA Times - June 08, 2024
- LA Times - May 29, 2024
- LA Times - May 17, 2024
- LA Times - May 09, 2024
- New York Times - May 03, 2024
- New York Times - April 29, 2024
- USA Today - April 26, 2024
- USA Today - April 09, 2024
- LA Times - April 02, 2024
- New York Times - March 09, 2024
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