Answer: ELK
ELK is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 407 times.
Referring Clues:
- Wapiti
- Tennessee tributary
- Lodge member
- Forest denizen
- Soft leather
- Caribou kin
- Soft shoe leather
- Big game animal
- Hunter's quarry
- Antlered animal
- Deer kin
- Source of a bugle call
- ___ Grove Village, Ill.
- Hunter’s quarry
- Man in a lodge
- Pliable leather
- Cousin of a moose
- American ___
- Animal with horns
- Wild bugler
- Animal that bugles
- Civic supporter
- Kiwanian colleague
- Forest animal
- Cousin of a caribou
- Pride : lion :: gang : ___
- Forest ranger
- Canada's ___ Island National Park
- Member of an order
- Head up North?
- Largish deer
- Fraternal fellow
- Canada's __ Island National Park
- Yellowstone herd member
- Yellowstone Park animal
- Tennessee River tributary
- Forest ranger?
- Army of Hope member
- Lodge brother
- Cows and bulls
- Horned animal
- Benevolent fellow
- Puma prey
- Animal with a white rump
- Beast with a bugling call
- Variety of leather
- Redwood National Park sight
- Bull or cow in the forest
- Fraternity member
- Black ___ (Lakota visionary)
- Roar : lion :: bugle : ___
- Big game
- Deer's cousin
- B.P.O.E. member
- Lodge member or large mammal
- Bullwinkle's cousin?
- Jackson Hole beast
- Moose relative
- Fraternal order member
- Antlered game animal
- Jackson Hole bugler
- Reindeer relative
- Animal with a bugle?
- Benevolent order member
- Grazer whose name is Shawnee for "white"
- Yellowstone roamer
- Beast seen in Yellowstone National Park
- Tundra wanderer
- Bugling mammal
- Forest bugler
- Yellowstone "resident"
- Lodge frequenter
- "Benevolent" order member
- Animal on Michigan's state flag
- Beast spotted in Yellowstone National Park
- Yellowstone grazer
- Animal on Michigan's flag
- Bugling grazer
- Yellowstone animal
- Beast seen near Banff
- Canadian creature
- North Woods beast
- Order member
- Yellowstone Park beast
- Caribou cousin
- Bugling deer
- Herd member, and word found in 17-, 28-, 44-, and 59-Across
- Second-largest deer
- Large species of deer
- Yellowstone creature
- Finnish entrée
- Moose, to a European
- The Hartford logo
- Yellowstone beast
- Yellowstone sight
- Leather source
- Rockies bugler
- County in Kansas and Pennsylvania
- Bugling animal with horns
- Yellowstone sighting
- Glove leather source
- Deer friend?
- Red meat source
- Certain lodge fellow
- Big-game hunter's quarry
- Yellowstone bugler
- Soft leather source
- Certain lodge member
- Bugling beast
- Fraternal animal?
- Four-legged bugler
- Yellowstone herd
- Fraternal society member
- "Benevolent" fellow
- Large deer
- Majestic grazer
- Rockies roamer
- "Benevolent" guy
- Big deer
- Great Plains grazer
- Deer-family member
- Totem-pole depiction
- Fraternal one
- Fraternal-order member
- Leather used for moccasins
- It's seen on Michigan's flag
- Aspen-sprout eater
- Forest grazer
- Male with a rack
- Moose, in Europe
- Certain lodge brother
- Yellowstone National Park beast
- Reindeer's kin
- Rack packer
- Benevolent one
- White-rumped westerner
- Hunter's prize, perhaps
- Roaring ruminant
- Second-largest of the deer family
- White-rumped grazer
- Banff National Park beast
- Caribou relative
- Certain leather source
- Creature on Michigan's state flag
- Antlered critter
- They're game
- Hunter's trophy, perhaps
- Fraternal brother
- Game animal
- Certain fraternal order member
- Petroglyph animal
- Hunter's trophy
- Grizzly bear's catch
- Rockies resident
- Utah's state animal
- Member of the deer family
- Yellowstone bugling beast
- Pennsylvania's ___ Mountain (skiing area)
- White-rumped deer
- Deer relative
- Broad-Antlered Deer
- An atheist can't be one
- Beast that's a bugler
- "Benevolent" fraternal member
- Forest game
- Mountain lion prey
- Buckskin source
- Mountain lion's prey
- Animal on the Michigan flag
- Moose
- Hooved grazer
- Hunters quarry
- Brother since 1868
- Rockies ruminant
- Mammal that bugles
- Grand Teton grazer
- Stuffed head on a wall, perhaps
- Northern deer
- Fraternal lodge member
- Hunter's big game
- Bugler with horns
- Hoofed grazer
- Rockies grazer
- Antlered Canadian animal
- Common ungulate
- Bugler of the wild
- Fraternal member
- Bugle call responder?
- Moose's kin
- Caribou's cousin
- Caribou's kin
- Moose kin
- Canadian grazer
- Moose's cousin
- Northern grazer
- Forest mammal
- Moose cousin
- Red deer
- Reindeer kin
- Relative of a reindeer
- Reindeer's cousin
- Bugler in the woods
- Beast that bugles
- Great Smoky Mountains deer
- Taiga denizens
- Game with a rack?
- Jumbo deer
- Hunter's prey, perhaps
- Animal with a bugling call
- Forest creature
- One kind of fraternal-order member
- Grazer with a rack
- Utah state animal
- BPOE member
- Large game animal
- Beast on Michigan's flag
- Yellowstone resident
- Leather variety
- Antlered creature
- Member of a certain order
- Rotarian relative
- 1,000-pound Yellowstoner
- Yellowstone inhabitant
- Fraternal group member
- Something stuck in a rut?
- European's term for a moose
- One who observes a fraternal Hour of Recollection
- Animal roaming the Rockies
- Some bulls
- Majestic animal at the Grand Canyon
- Ungulate
- Yosemite grazer
- Mooselike mammal
- Antlered ruminant
- Bull or cow
- Antlered ruminants
- Antlered bugler
- "Benevolent" club member
- Game with horns
- Rocky Mountain ___
- Animal with antlers
- Grazer in Yellowstone
- Game with antlers
- Bugling animal
- Yellowstone National Park inhabitant
- Alberta's ___ Island National Park
- Rocky Mountain National Park bugler
- Bugler in a forest
- Lodge logo animal
- Canadian critter
- Game in a forest
- Large land mammal
- Certain ruminant
- Yellowstone Park grazer
- Reindeer cousin
- One of a benevolent order
- Roamer in the Rockies
- Deer cousin
- Creature in The Hartford's logo
- Image on the Michigan state flag
- Red deer or wapiti
- Broad-antlered animal
- Fraternal sort
- Benevolent and protective order member
- Animal on the Michigan state flag
- Deer family member
- Bugling beasts
- Fraternal club member
- Popular game?
- Large grazer
- Banff or Jasper frequenter?
- Rocky Mountain National Park beast
- Common deer of Europe
- Official 18-Across of Utah
- FDR was one
- Big bugler
- Member of an organization with an Exalted Ruler
- Creature on Michigan's flag
- ___ crossing: Canadian sign warning
- Moose's relative
- Image on Idaho's state flag
- Beast on Michigan's state flag
- Large northern deer
- Largest deer
- It's game
- Animal in a rut
- Rockies game
- JFK was one
- Antlered grazer
- North American deer
- Logo for the Hartford
- Northern game
- Member of a fraternal group
- Wyoming's National ___ Refuge
- Cervid
- Banff wildlife
- Meat they eat in Helsinki
- Venison source
- Yosemite roamer
- Tetons grazer
- "Benevolent" fraternity member
- Antler sporter
- Tundra beast
- Broad-antlered creature
- Alberta grazer
- Foal : horse :: calf : ___
- Pennsylvania county named for an animal
- "Benevolent" lodge member
- Rockies rover
- Majestic Yellowstone creature
- Large cervid
- Beast on Idaho's seal
- Big game?
- Game in the woods?
- Yosemite beast
- Beast that has no problem bugling
- Hunter's antlered prey
- "Civic" animal
- Wapiti, by another name
- Wolf pack's prey, perhaps
- Tributary of the Tennessee
- Neigh: horse: bugle: ___
- Some deer
- Higher-priced burger meat
- Cougar prey
- Male that might be in a rut?
- Animal with a rack
- Wawaskeesh
- Black ___ (noted Sioux leader)
- Racked animal
- Gang members
- Herd at Yellowstone
- Noncollegiate fraternity member
- Another name for certain deer
- Mammal with a rack
- Eurasian deer
- Grand Tetons beast
- Yosemite herd
- Cougar's prey
- Antler wrestler
- Yellowstone grazers
- Member of a benevolent order
- Deer family animal
- Animal in a lodge logo
- Largest of the deer family
- Large animal in the Rockies
- Deer also known as wapiti
- Rocky Mountains grazer
- Species whose males have antlers
- National ___ Refuge (Wyoming wildlife area)
- Four-legged forest ranger
- A female one doesn't have antlers
- Idaho grazer
- Animal hidden in "Immanuel Kant"
- Animal at Yellowstone National Park
- Big game species
- Deer's large relative
- Big-antlered animal
- Taos Pueblo painter Albert Looking ___
- Yellowstone deer
- Animal hidden in "Michael Kors"
- Mammal whose males bugle
- Fraternal order member since 1868
- Bugler in the Rockies
- Deer relative also known as wapiti
- Rocky Mountain National Park sighting
- Deer in a lodge logo
- Large 8-Down
- A male one has antlers
- Antlered Yellowstone beast
- Animal hidden in "pretzel knot"
- Beast also known as omashkooz
- Animal facing a moose on Michigan's flag
- Animal on Idaho's state seal
- Horned buglers
- Big grazer
- State animal of Utah
- Deer relative that bugles and glunks
- Rocky Mountain bugler
- Yellowstone herd animal
- Sight at Rocky Mountain National Park
- Mammals also known as wapiti
- Beef alternative in burgers
- Rocky Mountain National Park sight
- Majestic deer
- Beast sighted in the Rockies
- Part of a Western herd
- Large 5-Down
- Mammal with a white rump
- Rocky Mountain ___ (state animal of Utah)
- Official state animal of Utah
- Large deer in the Rockies
- Rocky Mountain National Park grazer
- Deer with two ivory teeth
- Yellowstone ruminant
- Colorado's ___ Mountains
- Prey for a mountain lion
- Animal with a bugle-like mating call
- Antlered quadruped
- Large antlered deer
- Sighting at Yellowstone
- Yellowstone buglers
- Prey for gray wolves
- Deer that might bugle
- Large antlered animal
- Animal featured on the Olympic National Park quarter
Last Seen In:
- LA Times - February 28, 2025
- LA Times - February 05, 2025
- USA Today - January 21, 2025
- USA Today - January 14, 2025
- New York Times - January 05, 2025
- New York Times - December 17, 2024
- LA Times - December 12, 2024
- LA Times - November 24, 2024
- New York Times - November 01, 2024
- USA Today - October 16, 2024
- LA Times - October 15, 2024
- New York Times - August 28, 2024
- New York Times - July 09, 2024
- New York Times - June 21, 2024
- USA Today - May 31, 2024
- LA Times - May 28, 2024
- USA Today - May 27, 2024
- USA Today - May 23, 2024
- LA Times - May 21, 2024
- LA Times - April 16, 2024
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